Video Demonstration

Step By Step Instructions

The Dead Stock report lists all stock that has not been sold since a specified date. It is recommended that this report is run on a regular basis. This report can be used in conjunction with Product Quick Fix, click here to learn more.

Running this report will allow you to:

  • Evaluate products that are not selling since a specified date.
  • Capture products that are possibly going out of date.

1. From Minfos Launch Pad, click Stock Manager.

2. Click Reports, 4. Stock Reports, 4. Dead Stock Report.

The Dead Stock Report window displays.

a. Use Sorted By to run your report using a particular category, e.g. Department, Class, Location etc.

b. Select the From and To Range for the category which is being run, or leave at the default option to view information for all products.

c. The Cut Off Date is the date by which you have given the product the opportunity to sell. The longer the timeframe, generally the less information that is displayed on the report, as you have allowed a longer period of time for that product to sell. 

d. Checking Exclude new product purchases since the cut-off date will not report on any products which have been invoiced in on or after the specified cut off date.

3. Click Okay to run the report.

The Dead Stock Report is displayed.

4. The dead stock report displays all products which have not been sold since the specified cut-off date.

a. The Product Code is displayed.

b. The main Barcode of the product is displayed.

c. The Product Name is displayed.

d. The current Qty on Hand is displayed per line and as a total for all lines at the bottom of the report.

e. The Unit Cost (Ex. GST) amount is the last invoiced unit cost.

f. The Total Cost (Ex. GST) amount is the total amount of qty on hand items at the unit cost. The total cost is displayed per product and as a total amount for all dead stock products at the bottom of the report.

g. The Last Quantity Sold displays the quantity of the product which was sold in the last transaction.

h. Sale Date displays the date which the product was last sold.

i. Last Ordered displays the date which the product was last invoiced in.