If you have set up interest to automatically charge to overdue accounts, this should apply during the End-of-Day process on the last day of the month.
If the End-of-Day process has not been completed successfully, we recommended that you confirm the interest has been charged.
If the interest has not automatically applied, refer to Manually charge interest on overdue customer accounts. This process should be completed before manually ageing the customer account statements.
From the Customer Management module:
1. Click the Functions menu and select 1. Statements.
The Customer Statements window is displayed.2. The Last Run field displays the date your Customer Account statements were last aged, this date cannot be edited.
3. The Month Ending field displays the date up to which your Customer Account statements are aged, this date cannot be edited.
4. Leave the Exclude Inactive Accounts checkbox checked to have these statements excluded, however if you want to send inactive accounts, uncheck this box.
5. Check Show Names if you require individual patient names to be printed against dispensary transactions, where more than 1 person’s scripts are going onto the same account.
a. Show Medicare Card Number - only available if Show Names is checked. If checked the patients Medicare Card Number will also be displayed on the statement.
6. Check All Transactions to include $0.00 transactions charged to the account.
7. Leave Include Zero Balance Accounts unchecked to only produce a statement for accounts with a balance. Check to include accounts with zero balances.
8. Leave the Exclude Laybys checkbox checked to exclude laybys’ or uncheck to include.
9. Check Print Double Sided to print statements double sided to use less paper.
10. Click the Run Type dropdown and select the type of statements that you require:
- All to include any customer account with a balance other than Zero
- General Sales – to generate a statement for all account customers not in a nursing home, hospital or third party care facility
- Nursing Home – to generate a statements for all account customers in a nursing home care facility
- Hospital – to generate statements for all account customers in a hospital care facility
- Third Party– to generate statements for all account customers in a third party care facility
11. Click Okay to age your customer account statements.
If you have Auto Email Statements configured the following Warning prompt is displayed. a. Click OK. Refer to Manually Email Customer Account Statements.
The Processing window is displayed.
12. Once the manual ageing process has completed, the Tax Invoice/Statement print preview is displayed.
13. Ensure that the date on the top right-hand corner of the statement displays the last day of the previous month and the format is correct and no fields overlap.
14. If the date is:
- Incorrect - please submit a ticket for assistance from Minfos Support
- Correct - check that your printer's paper tray is full, and click Print.