After you have Configured Minfos to email (this needs to be done on each workstation you wish to email from), set up your Customer Statement Configuration and Set up customers to receive email statements you can use the Email Statements function to manually email statements. 

Tip: Refer to Customer Statement Configuration to learn how to automatically email customer account statements and update your default email message.

To email statements to account customers:

From the Customer Management module, once the Statements have aged:

1. Click the Reports menu, click 2. Statements and then click 6. Email Statements.

The Email Customer Statements window is displayed.

Note: If the following Error prompt is displayed, ensure that no processes related to Customer Statements are currently running including having the Customer Statement Configuration tab of Shop Configuration open:

2. Enter the required customer range in the From Customer & To Customer fields. These fields default to include all customers in the database. Only customers set up for email statements will be included.

3. The Statement Date is the date the customer statements were last aged. If this is not correct, you may need to manually age your statements

4. Leave the Print Ageing Information checkbox checked to include: current, 30, 60, 90 balance information and include the outstanding balance from last month’s account on the statement.

5. Leave the Exclude Inactive Accounts checkbox checked to have these statements excluded, however if you want to send inactive accounts, uncheck this box.

6. Leave the Exclude Laybys checkbox checked to exclude laybys’ or uncheck to include.

7. Check Show Names if you require individual patient names to be printed against dispensary transactions, where more than 1 person’s scripts are going onto the same account.

8. Show Medicare Card Number - only available if Show Names is checked. If checked the patients Medicare Card Number will also be displayed on the statement.

9. Check All Transactions to include $0.00 transactions charged to the account.

10. Leave Include Zero Balance Accounts uncheck to only email accounts with a balance. Check to include accounts with zero balances.

11. Click the Run Type dropdown and select the type of statements that you require:

  • All to include any customer account with a balance other than Zero
  • General Sales – to generate a statement for all account customers not in a nursing home, hospital or third party care facility
  • Nursing Home – to generate a statements for all account customers in a nursing home care facility
  • Hospital – to generate statements for all account customers in a hospital care facility
  • Third Party– to generate statements for all account customers in a third party care facility

12. To attach a file to this email send click Browse and navigate to the required file.

The attachment must be less than 2mb and must be either a PDF or .doc file. 
If you have configured an attachment via Customer Statement Configuration, your customers will receive both attachments.

13. Click Okay to generate the account statements for the selected customers.

The Processing window is displayed.

14. The statements for the selected account customers that have email statements set up are displayed, over separate pages, with an “Email Statement” watermark on each. 

A document with numbers and text

Description automatically generated

15. Review the account customer statements, to ensure the transaction and customer details are correct. Please contact Minfos Support if there are any issues.

16. Click Email to email all the statements to the account customers shown on each page.

The Please Wait prompt is displayed.

17. If the Open File - Security Warning prompt is displayed, click Run.

18. The Email Statement Send Result Report is displayed and shows the success or failure of the emails. If this contains a Failure Result, your pharmacy will be sent an automated notification to the email account provided in your email statements set up. Refer to Email Statement Send Result Report to re-run this report.