This Report can be used to assess:

  • Products which contain a Negative GP%
  • Products within a particular GP% range

Video demonstration

Step by step instructions

1. From the Minfos Launch Pad, click the Stock Manager icon.

2. From the Reports menu, click 2. Product Reports, and select 1. Product Gross Profit Report.

3. The Product Gross Profit Report window is displayed.

A. Make a selection from the Sorted By dropdown list to run your report using a particular category, e.g. Department, Class, Location etc.

B. In the From and To fields enter the category that is being run, or leave at the default option to view information for all products.

C. In the From G.P. % and To G.P. % fields, set the range which is required to be displayed in the report.

D. Select the Stocked Only checkbox to display products that are flagged as stocked against the product card.

E. Select the Exclude GP% checkbox to show products which are outside the selected G.P. % range.

F. Select the Exclude Disp checkbox to exclude any products that are flagged as a drug. It is not recommended that a GPRs report be run for dispensary category as retail prices are not set for Schedule 4 or higher products.

Negative G.P.% Report

Displayed below is an example of the options selected when running a negative G.P. % report.

1. Navigate to the Product Gross Profit Report window

A. Make a selection from the Sorted By dropdown list to run your report using a particular category. E.g. Department, Class, Location etc.

B. In the From and To fields enter the category that is being run, or leave at the default option to view information for all products.

C. In the From G.P. % and To G.P. % fields set the range which is required to be displayed in the report.

It is recommended that when entering the From G.P. % range for a negative G.P. % report, that a minus (-) is typed and the [9] key is held down to fill the field. This will ensure that any large negative G.P. % products are captured in this report.

D. Select the Stocked Only checkbox to display products which are flagged as stocked or have a positive stock on hand quantity.

E. Select the Exclude GP% checkbox to show products which are outside the selected G.P. % range.

F. Select the Exclude Disp checkbox to exclude all products flagged as a drug.

2. Click Okay to run the report.

The Product G.P Report is displayed.


G.P. % Range Report

Displayed below is an example of the options selected when running a G.P. % report for products excluding a particular G.P. % range.

1. Navigate to the Product Gross Profit Report window.

A. Make a selection from the Sorted By dropdown list to run your report using a particular category. E.g. Department, Class, Location etc.

B. In the From and To fields enter the category that is being run, or leave at the default option to view information for all products. 

C. In the From G.P. % and To G.P. % fields set the range that is required to be displayed in the report.

D. Select the Stocked Only checkbox to display products which are flagged as stocked or have a positive stock on hand quantity.

E. Exclude GP% 

  • Checking Exclude GP% will show products which are outside the selected G.P. % range.
  • Un-checking Exclude GP% will show products which within the selected G.P. % range.

F. Exclude Disp will exclude all products flagged as a drug.

2. Click Okay to run the report.

The Product G.P. Report is displayed.