From Stock Manager:

1. Click the Stock Control menu and select 2. Rolling Stocktake.

The Rolling Stocktake Entry window is displayed.

2. Enter the same criteria used to generate a Negative Stocktake Sheet or Negative Stocks Report.

a. From the Sorted by dropdown menu select Location.

b. The From field defaults to the first Location set up in your database; if you want to run one Negative Stocks report for the entire store, leave this field at the default. Alternatively, enter the code or name of the starting Location.

c. The To field defaults to the last Location set up in your database; if you want to run one Negative Stocks report for the entire store, leave this field at the default. Alternatively, enter the code or name of the ending Location.

d. Select the Stocked Only checkbox. Stocked only will include all negative SOH regardless of the Stocked status.

e. Select the Negatives Only checkbox.

f. Leave the Not Counted checkbox de-selected.

3. Click Okay.

The Rolling Stocktake Entry window is displayed.

4. Highlight a product in the Rolling Stocktake window and click Change.

5. The Product Stock on Hand Edit window is displayed.

A. Enter the correct SOH figure into the Qty Counted field. Broken packs are counted as one full pack.

B. Click the Adjust the reason drop-down to change the reason for the SOH change, if required.

  1. Count Adjustment
  2. Theft
  3. Dead Stock
  4. Bonus
  5. Lost Stock
  6. Expired
  7. Other

C. In the Sub-units Counted field, adjust or enter the tablets remaining in a broken back; this will be dispensed stock only, where the prescription requires a part box to be dispensed.

6. Click Okay to save.

7. The Product Stock on Hand Edit window will remain open for the next product listed. Click Cancel to close this window.
Repeat steps 4A to 5 until all products on the window have been entered.

8. Click Update. The SOH will be updated to the Counted quantity and the date will update to the current date. The products will then disappear from the list, as they are no longer in negative.