The Annual Sales and Purchases Report provides information of one or more of the following selected criteria: units sold, units purchases, sales and purchases for the last twelve months. This report can be run for an individual product and category or a range of products and categories.

Department is used as an example category throughout this document. The same report can be run for Product, Department, Company, Brand, I.E.U, Class, Location, Price Policy, Preferred Supplier and KVI.

1. From the Minfos Launch Pad, click the Stock Manager icon.

2. Click the Reports menu and select 1. Ordering Reports and then 1. Annual Sales Purchases Report.

3. The Annual Sales & Purchases Report window is displayed.

A. From the Sort by dropdown box select Department.

B. Leave the From and To fields as the default to report on all departments. This will allow the report to generate for all departments.
C. Select one or more of the following Report Options that are required:

  • Units Sold:  will display the quantity of units sold for each month.
  • Units Purchased:  will display the total quantity of units purchased each month.
  • Sales:   will display the total retail sales amount for each month.  
  • Purchases:  will display the cost of all Purchases ex GST for each month.

D. The Stocked Only checkbox is de-selected by default; this will generate a report with all products within the selected sort criteria. Selecting the Stocked Only checkbox will generate a report for products that are marked as Stocked Only.

E. Click Okay to generate the report.

The Annual Product Sales and Purchases Report is displayed.