This section details some of the errors that may be encountered when using CO, and the potential causes for these errors.

One of my stores is not displayed when I create or generate an order

If the store name is not displayed in the Store selection list, please log a call with Minfos support.

None of my stores are displayed when I create or generate an order

If CO does not display any stores when creating or generating an order, ensure that:

  • The internet is connected
  • The Minfos server is running  
  • Midas is enabled and running
    • Midas is also used for other Minfos functions, for example, electronic DD register integrations and branded loyalty systems. If these functions are currently running without any issues, then Midas is enabled and running
    • If these Minfos functions are not used and assistance is required to check if Midas is enabled, log a call with Minfos support

I have generated an order but it contains no products

If a generated order displays no products, ensure that:

  • If the order is a top-up order, the minimum shelf hold value of the product is set at the store

If generated orders continue to contain no products, please log a call with Minfos support.

My generated order contains too many or too few products

If the generated order contains significantly more or fewer products than expected, check the following settings for that store:

  • Minimum/Maximum shelf hold quantity set in Minfos
  • Minimum order quantity set in Minfos
  • Supplier’s retail units recorded correctly
  • Correct stock on hand and no duplicate products

If issues persist with the number of products in the order, please log a call with Minfos support.

I want to order for a locally maintained (non-MNPN) products

Products ordered in CO must have an MNPN (Minfos National Product Number), if your group is also using Multistore, ensure all products are added at your Head Office. If your group does not use Multistore you can request the product is added by the Minfos Master Database (MDB) team, refer to Direct Suppliers Maintained by Minfos for more information.

If the product can only be a locally maintained product e.g. MDB are unable to maintain the products, then the products can only be ordered via Order Maintenance at store level.

The order I issued/sent has a Failed status

The reason of order in failed status is shown on the order details window under Failure message:

  • Review the failure message
  • Perform the check mentioned in the message
  • Once the check is addressed, you can try to resend the message
  • A failed order can be deleted, re-sent/re-issued or can be redirected to another supplier

Cost Price in transfer does not reflect the cost from completed order

The cost price of a product in a transfer is set at the time of creation, so if the order is completed afterward, it could be out of date. This may be an issue where a transfer is created from merging orders

Re-create the transfer after the order completion. If the transfer was created via merge, keep copies of the original orders so that they can be merged again to create the transfer, which will have the latest prices.