Some pharmacy products are sold to customers as a whole box, and also by the individual units inside the box. This is the case with many wound care items such as Smith&Nephew Skin Prep Wipes. Where the store is selling a product as both the box quantity and individually, it is recommended that a secondary stock card is created in the database.
For example:
Add a product to Product Maintenance manually
It is best to search for the product you are about to split into single products, this will allow you to note the name, cost price, supplier, PDE and categories it is currently allocated to. The single product can then be added the same way for consistency.
From Product Maintenance:
1. Click Find.
The Search window is displayed.
2. Scan the full box product, enter the name, product number or PDE code and click Okay.
3. Highlight the correct product and click Change.
4. The Product Edit window is displayed.
A. Take note of the name of the product.
B. Take note of the Unit Cost.
C. Take note of the FAT code (GST status).
5. Click the Categories tab.
A. Take note of the Price Policy.
B. Take note of Pref. Supplier.
C. Take note of the Sup. Prod. Code.
D. Take note of the Department.
E. Take note of the Company.
F. Take note of the Brand.
G. Take note of the I.E.U.
H. Take note of the Class.
I. Take note of the Location.
J. Take note of the A.R. Prod. Code.
6. Click OK to close the Product Edit window.
The Product Maintenance window is displayed.
7. Add the single unit product to Product Maintenance using the details you have noted down above.
Refer to Add a Product Manually.
Alternatively, Copy an existing product In Product Maintenance and update the details as required.
8. Ensure that you have updated the Unit Cost and Retail Price in the single unit stock card. Calculate the unit cost for the individual by dividing the whole box unit cost by the individual quantity inside.
9. Update the PDE for the single unit to have an 'S' in front of the number. If this item is generated on future orders it will be easy to recognise and swap with the order-able whole box item.
Adjust Stock On Hand
If you are splitting existing stock, adjust your SOH for both products. This can be done in Product Maintenance or Order Maintenance.
1. Refer to Adjust SOH in Product Maintenance or Adjust SOH in Order Maintenance.
2. Ensure you have updated the SOH for both the individual and whole box product.
Invoice Split Pack products from a Supplier
The pharmacy can only order the full box product from a supplier. If the product with the S at the start or end of the PDE generates in an order, the pharmacy will need to adjust the order and order the correct product from the Wholesaler.
When invoicing these products, the process to ensure the correct cost is being used is a manual process in which the user will need to follow.
For example:
The electronic invoice will collect as per how the product was ordered:Ideally you will adjust this invoice to reflect how you will sell the stock:
This will help ensure the SOH and GP is correct for both products.
To adjust the invoice:
1. Highlight the product and click Change.
The Order Detail window is displayed.
2. Adjust the Quantity to reflect the number of full boxes going into stock
3. Click Okay to save and close.
You are returned to the Order Editing window.
4. Click Add.
The Order Detail window is displayed.5. Using the PDE of the full box product, enter / this code + S (as per what was used when adding the single product) and press TAB.
A. Enter the Quantity e.g. 50, and press [TAB].
B. Adjust the Unit Cost if necessary.
C. Adjust the Total GST if necessary.
D. Adjust the Total (Inc. GST) if necessary.
6. Click Okay to add the product to the invoice.
7. Check the Pricing in Order Maintenance to help prevent incorrect unit costs being completed.
This screen allows the user to compare this cost against the last cost, it would here the user would see the cost jumping form .41 cents to 20.71 if the incorrect product was being invoiced.
A. Current invoice cost.
B. Last invoiced cost.
8. Complete the invoice as per your normal in store processes. Refer to Complete Electronic Invoice or Complete a Manual Invoice for guidance.