Copying an existing product is ideal to use where these is a similarly named or categorised product already in your database. Using Copy will create a new ‘local’ product identical (except barcodes) to the existing product. This newly copied product will then just need to be edited and updated.
Video Demonstration
Step by Step Instructions
1. From Product Maintenance, click Find. You will need to search for product you want to copy.
The Search window is displayed.
2. Scan the product, enter the name, product number or /PDE code, click Okay.
3. Highlight the correct product and click Change.
The Product Edit window is displayed.
4. Check the Details tab has the correct information; the copied product will have all of the same details.
5. Click the Categories tab.
6. Check and update if necessary any of the fields; the copied product will have all of the same details.
7. Click OK to close.
You are returned to Product Maintenance.
8. Ensure the correct product is highlighted, click Copy.
The Copy Product window is displayed.
Note: If the similar product is flagged as a drug, it cannot be copied. See Add a product to Product Maintenance manually.
9. Click Yes to continue with the copy.
The product is copied.
Note: The newly added product will have a Minfos generated barcode.
Manually added products will not have the MNPN icon, as there is no Minfos National Product Number against all locally added products
10. Highlight the copied product and click Change.
The Product Edit window is displayed.
11. Use [Tab] to move down through the fields or [Shift + Tab] to move up. Only use [Enter] to save and close the Product Edit window.
A. If the product has a unique barcode, enter it in the barcode text box, replacing what is there.
B. Update the name
- If the product may also be added from a Wholesaler or Supplier MNPN update at a later date, putting an exclamation mark (!) at the start of the Name will put the product towards the top of your Product Maintenance window. This makes it stand out and is easier to monitor for a duplicate product, once the relevant suppliers update has been collected.
- When an update (Wholesaler or Supplier from Minfos is applied, your database is checked for ‘local’ products, if Minfos finds a product with the same barcode, same supplier and same PDE already in the database, the ‘ ! ‘ will be removed from the name and the MNPN will be attached to the ‘local’ product, making it now a Minfos maintained product.
- You can use either Capitals or Lower Case letters.
C. Enter the Unit Cost (Ex. GST) if required or this will update when the product is invoiced.
D. Either enter a mark-up, Minfos will suggest a retail price based on cost + mark up or
E. Enter the required Retail Price, or this can be set before completing the invoice.
F. If this product will be dispensed and requires Fixed Drug Pricing or a Default SIG set up, check the Dispensable checkbox.
12. Click the Categories tab.
13. Use [Tab] to move down through the fields or [Shift + Tab] to move up. Only use [Enter] to save and close the Product Entry window.
A. Update the PDE.
14. Update any other categories if necessary, either enter the category code and press [Tab] or enter the category name and press [Tab] to search, highlight the correct category name and click Okay.
15. Click OK to save and close Product Edit window.
The product can now be invoiced and sold.