After you have added products to a promotion, the promotion prices can be set in bulk against groups of products or individually.
Change individual promotional prices within a promotion
From the Promotion Enquiry - New Promotions window:
1. Highlight the required promotion and click Product.The Promotion maintenance results - Product list <Promotion Name> window is displayed.
2. There are three ways you can change the individual promotional price:
a. Double-click the product.
The Promotion maintenance product - Change <Promotion Name> window is displayed.
i. Change the Promotional price and click Save.
b. Click Find and
The Search window is displayed.
i. Enter the Name, Bar Code or Product No. of the product and click Okay.
ii. Double-click the product.
The Promotion maintenance product - Change <Promotion Name> window is displayed.
iii. Change the Promotional price and click Save.
c. Highlight the product and click Change.
The Promotion maintenance product - Change <Promotion Name> window is displayed.
i. Change the Promotional price and click Save.
3. If, after you click Save and a Promotion error message appears, click No. It is best practice to view all promotional errors at once.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all products have been actioned. Click Cancel to close the Promotion maintenance results - Product list window.
The Promotion Enquiry - New Promotions window is redisplayed.
5. If the Promotion is displayed in red, highlight it and click Error.
a. Refer to Review & action promotion errors to action the errors.
6. Once you have set the promotional price for all of your products and actioned the errors, you can start your promotion.
7. Refer to Start a Promotion.
Changing the promotion price for all products
From the Promotion Enquiry - New Promotions window:
1. Highlight the required promotion and click Product.The Promotion maintenance results - Product list <Promotion Name> window is displayed.
2. Highlight the required products by either:
a. Check the Select All checkbox.
b. Use [Shift] and/or [Ctrl] to highlight products.
3. Click Change.
The Enter Price window is displayed.4. Enter the required promotion price and click Okay.
a. If the Promotion error prompt is displayed, click Yes.
The Promotion maintenance - Promotion detail error list window is displayed.
b. Refer to Review & action promotion errors to learn how to action promotion errors.
5. All products in the promotion now have the promotional price attached.6. Once you have set the promotional price for all of your products and actioned the errors, you can start your promotion.
7. Refer to Start a Promotion.