The example below shows how the discounts are applied to promotional products at the Till.
1. If the promotion has been set up with 0.00 in the Dollar amount reduced from price text box and a single promotional product is scanned in the till. The discount percentage entered in the Percent reduced from price will be calculated.
2. If the promotion has been set up with an amount in the Dollar amount spent before discount applied text box e.g. $20, the discount will be applied once the transaction amount has reached $20.00 (This is calculated on your store stores Retail Price). This may result in your total transaction amount being less than the Dollar amount spent before discount applied.
Note: Scanning other products outside this promotion will not be taken into consideration towards the “Dollar amount spent before discount applied” and can only qualify by purchasing products within the promotion file.The sales basket will reflect the normal retail price when the products are processed, with a secondary line below the product of discount applied.
All promotion items will appear in Pink on the Till.