This step involves setting the qualifying and/or discountable products. 

  • If the products have a icon, they are qualifying products. Qualifying products are products that the customer must purchase before the promotion is applied
  • If they have a icon, they are discountable products. Discountable products are products that a customer can purchase at the promotional price when they purchase a qualifying product within the multibuy
  • The Promo Price is calculated from the Percent reduced from price field from Promotion maintenance – Add window, if the product is not flagged as being a discount item the Promo Price will be the same as the Retail Price or as the Buy at price entered.Refer to Create a Multibuy for % Off promotion for more information.

There are two ways to set or remove the Qualifying Item and Discount Item flags:

Tip: Ensure you have Reviewed & actioned promotion errors before completing these steps. Products in Error are not displayed in the promotion product list window.

From the Promotion Enquiry window:

1. Highlight the required promotion and click Product.

The Promotion maintenance results - Product list <Multibuy Name> window is displayed.

2. To apply to all products: check the Select All checkbox

  1. Click Qualifying Item to add or remove the flag.
  2. Click Discount Item to add or remove the flag.

3. To apply to selected items: Highlight the product/s, [Shift] and [Ctrl] can be used to highlight multiple products.

  1. Click Qualifying Item to add or remove the flag.
  2. Click Discount Item to add or remove the flag.

4. Click Cancel to close the Product List.

5. Refer to Start a Promotion.