Follow these steps to run reports on all of your promotions, which can help you to assess the types of promotions you’re running and how they compare to your sales and retail prices.

To run promotion reports:

1. From the Minfos Promo Manager window, click the Promotion Maintenance icon.

The Promotion setup window is displayed.


2. In the Print group box, click the Reports option button and click Next.

The Promotion maintenance – print report window is displayed.

3. Click the Report name drop-down list, then select one of the following reports:

  • 1 Promotion definition detail, to see the settings of each promotion - for example, the promotion’s date range, the type of promotion, and the products in the promotion.
  • 2 Promotion price vs. retail price, which shows you the price difference between the promotional products’ price and their regular retail price.
  • 3 Promotion Sales Report, to report on sales of products in your pharmacy’s promotions. This report includes the product’s sales before, during, and after the promotion.

4. In the Start Date and End date text boxes, enter the date range for the promotions to include in the selected report.

5. To run the report, click Print. The selected promotion report is displayed.6. Click Print to print the report or click Close.