This article is for pharmacies that dispense cannabis products.

We have added a supplier ‘Cannabis Products Update’. All cannabis products are attached to this supplier and Minfos Database will publish an MNPN update when any new cannabis products are added or an existing product is updated. This will provide you with up-to-date information simply by subscribing to one supplier.

This article will take you through:

  • How to set up an automatic MNPN update for the ‘Cannabis Products Update’ supplier
  • How to update these products to set your preferred supplier for each product


Set up MNPN update for Cannabis Products Update

Setting up the automatic supplier update ensures your database has the most up to date information on cannabis products available to dispense.

From Stock Manager:

1. Click the File menu, click 7. MNPN Updates and select 1. Supplier MNPN Updates.

The Manage Supplier MNPN Updates window is displayed.
2. Click Add.

The Supplier MNPN Update Configuration Add window is displayed.

a. Enter 27507 in the Supplier field and press [Tab] to update the supplier to Cannabis Products Update.

  • If the 27507 Cannabis Products Update supplier does not exist in your database, apply an MNPN Update for ANY supplier in your Manage Supplier MNPN Updates list to add it

b. Click the Type drop-down and check Automatic Update. If the update is not set to Automatic Update, this update will need to be run manually on a regular basis.

c. Check the Import Alternate Barcodes checkbox. This will import any additional barcodes which are not already attached to the product in Product Maintenance.

d. Leave the Update Minfos Departments unchecked. Checking this checkbox will import Minfos created departments into the Department category field of each stock card in your database and is NOT recommended.

e. Leave the Update Product Names checkbox checked. This will import Minfos Master Database product descriptions.

f. Check the Update Items in Pack checkbox; this will update the items in pack if required.

g. Check the Update Alt. Supplier Information checkbox. This will update or add any other supplier that is associated with these products in Minfos Database, as a secondary supplier in your database. This will give you visibility of other suppliers (and their PDE’s) that keep these products in stock.

3. Click OK to save and close the Supplier MNPN Update Configuration Add window.

4. From the Manage Supplier MNPN Updates window ensure the Cannabis Products Update supplier is highlighted and click Apply Update.

The Apply Update window is displayed.

5. Click Yes to run the update.

The Please Wait window is displayed.

When the update has finished the Supplier File Update window is displayed.

6. Click OK to close.

7. Click Cancel to close the Manage Supplier MNPN Updates window.

All Cannabis Products in the Minfos Master Database have now been added to your database.

Note: Please contact Minfos Support if you have run the Cannabis Products Update and the cannabis product you require is not in your database.

For newly added products, the preferred supplier will be Cannabis Products Update. You will need to set the correct preferred supplier for stock management. This can be managed from any module where the Stock Card can be accessed:

  • Product Maintenance
  • Order Maintenance
  • Product Quick Fix

The update will not change the preferred supplier for cannabis products that existed in your database before applying the MNPN Supplier update.

Note    MNPN updates do not update the GST flags on products that are already in your database. You must review the GST flags of new products added to your database, and update if required.

Update the Preferred Supplier

Update individual stock cards:

1. From Order Editing, highlight the cannabis product and click Stock Card or from Product Maintenance, highlight the cannabis product and click Change.

The Product Edit window is displayed.

2. On the Details tab, if required, check the Re-Order (Stocked) checkbox. This will ensure the product is considered when generating your cannabis product orders.

3. Click the Categories tab.
4. In the Pref. Supplier field, enter your preferred supplier Code or Name and press [Tab]. The Supplier Search Window may display (if Name is used), highlight the correct supplier and click Okay.

If your preferred supplier is not in Minfos refer to Add a supplier for instructions to add a new supplier not maintained by Minfos Database.

5. Enter the PDE as provided by your preferred supplier.

6. Update any other Category details for the cannabis product.

7. Click OK to save changes.

Bulk update stock cards

From Stock Manager:

1. Click the Products menu and select 4. Product Quick Fix.

The Quick Fix window is displayed.
2. Click the Sort By dropdown and select 13. Preferred Supplier from the list.

3. Enter 27507 in both the From and To fields and click Okay

The Product Quick Fix window is displayed.

  • The Stocked Only checkbox can be checked so the list will only display products marked as stocked. Alternatively, use the Filter button to Display Products with SOH
  • Click Find to search for the cannabis product. Enter the start of the product name and click Okay
  • To highlight a group of consecutively listed products, click on the first product, hold down [Shift] on the keyboard and click on the last product, or to highlight multiple non-consecutively listed products, hold down [Ctrl] and click each product individually

4. Click Fix.

The Quick Fix Selection window is displayed.

5. Check the Preferred Supplier checkbox and enter your preferred supplier’s code or name, press [Tab] to update the window. If your preferred supplier does not exist in Minfos refer to Add a Supplier for instructions.
6. Update any other attributes as required.

7. Click OK. The Product Quick Fix window is updated with the products Preferred Supplier (plus any other attributes selected) details fixed.

Note: When using product quick fix to update the preferred supplier, if you do not currently run MNPN updates for the individual cannabis products suppliers, your database will not know the suppliers PDE, so the barcode will populate in the PDE field in the stock card. The PDE can be updated by clicking Stock Card now and entering the correct PDE or later when entering your next invoice.  

8. Click Find to search for the next product/s, and repeat Steps 5 to 10 until all cannabis products have the correct preferred supplier set.

9. When all products have been updated, click Cancel to close the Product Quick Fix window. 

To learn more about Product Quick Fix watch our videos.