Step 1: Does the customer have a My Health Record?
Once a customer is chosen in the Dispense form, an automatic search is initiated to identify if the customer has a My Health Record and the button becomes active for the following scenarios.
Note: Refer to the Dispense Form alerts to manage scenarios when the My Health Record button does not become active.
Advertised My Health Record exists for the customer
If a My Health Record is found for the customer the following message will be displayed. This means the customer has an advertised My Health Record and it is accessible for healthcare providers.
A My Health Record is not found for the customer
If a My Health Record is NOT found for the customer the following message will be displayed.This may indicate either one of the following:
- The customer hasn’t advertised their My Health Record but the record may be accessible to healthcare providers with the option provided by the customer to gain access.
- A My Health Record does not exist for this customer.
Step 2: Does the Pharmacist have an Active HPI-I?
An active HPI-I is mandatory for viewing a customer’s My Health Record.
If not found, the Pharmacist field label will be displayed in red and the following message will be displayed.If the My Health Record button is clicked when the chosen Pharmacist does not have a HPI-I, then the following message will be shown.
Step 3: Access the Record
A password can be set to access a patient’s My Health Record from Dispense.
Update the Password required for MyHR configuration:
From the Dispense Pro module:
1. Click the Maintenance menu and select D. Configuration.
The Configuration window is displayed.
2. Click the Dispense/Customer tab.
3. Check the Password required for MyHR checkbox. By default, this option is not selected.4. Click OK to save.
Add a password to the Pharmacist record:
Note: The same password is used for My Health Record access and eScripts refer to Set a Pharmacist Password to learn how to set a password for a pharmacist.
Once a password has been set for the pharmacist, from the Dispense Form, a prompt for your password is displayed when accessing the My Health Record icon. The prompt will default to the current pharmacist set on the Dispense Form. To change the pharmacist, enter the new pharmacist code in the Code field.
If in incorrect password is entered then an error will display and access will be denied.
Depending on the Access control set by the customer to allow external parties to view their My Health Record, you may see any one of the following prompts.
Learn more about patient consent and access levels by watching this video.
General Access
If the customer has an advertised My Health Record and has provided General Access to the organisations to access their My Health Record, the General Access option may be selected from the following displayed window.In an emergency, you may enter by clicking Emergency Access.
Note: If there is any restricted access set to any specific documents, select the Restricted Document Access checkbox and enter the Access Code provided by the customer.
Emergency access
If the customer has a My Health Record, emergency access is possible if necessary.
On clicking the Emergency Access button, the following window will display.
Access with code
If the customer has an advertised My Health Record and has provided Restricted Access to their My Health Record, the following window will display. Either a General Access code or Restricted Document Access code provided by the customer is required.
In an emergency, you may enter by clicking the Emergency Access button.
Access when an Active My Health Record is not found
A status with “My Health Record not found” will display for either of the following reasons:
- The customer does not have a My Health Record.
- The customer hasn’t advertised their My Health Record.
In this case you may proceed with one of the options (General/Access code/Emergency Access) provided on the screen depending on the kind of access set by the customer on their My Health Record.
Step 4: View My Health Record
On successful access to the customer’s My Health Record, a list of their health related documents are displayed.
Prescription and Dispense View Tab
Below is a default view of the customer’s My Health Record. This gives an overview of the consumer’s prescriptions and their associated dispense events. Refer to the image below for the following features:
| Name | Description |
a. | Prescription | By default, the document list is grouped by Prescription, but can also be grouped by Brand Name, Generic Name or PBS Item Code by choosing these options from the Group By dropdown list. |
b. | Collapse Groups | The document list provides a Collapsed view (details of Prescription and Dispense events are not shown) and can be changed to an Expanded view (details of prescription and dispense events are shown) by clicking each item in the list or by selecting the Collapse Groups checkbox to expand all items at once. |
c. | Period Selection | The latest two years worth of information is available in the list, which can be changed by entering different dates in the From and To fields and clicking the Refresh button. |
d. | Refresh | Click Refresh to refresh the window after any filter changes. |
Group By Options
The Group By option in Prescription and Dispense View has the following options:
- Prescription
- Brand Name
- Generic Name
- PBS Item Code
Refer to the image below for the following features.
| Description |
a. | Date of earliest Prescription |
b. | Medication Identification |
c. | Date of earliest Dispense |
d. | Date of latest Dispense |
e. | Number of known supply and the maximum number of permitted supply |
f. | Date of Dispense |
g. | Dispense Item |
h | Prescription Item |
i. | Medication Generic name |
j. | Medication Identification |
k. | Medication Strength |
l. | Medication Directions |
m. | Medication Form |
n. | Quantity Description |
o. | Number of this Dispense |
Brand Name
Generic Name
PBS Item Code
Expanded view
De-select the Collapse Groups checkbox to display the expanded document view.
View a document
To view the document, double-click the item in the expanded list. Click the Print button to print the document.
Document List Tab
Click the Document List tab to display a list of clinical documents available in the customer’s My Health Record.
Refer to the image below for the following features:
| Name | Description |
a. | Dates to Query | The latest two years of information is displayed in the list, which can be changed by entering alternative dates in the Dates to Query options and then clicking the Refresh button. |
b. | Document Types | The list filters the below Document Types, which can be changed by reselecting these from the Document Type filter, if a document of this type exist for this customer for the search period.
c. | Sort by header | The list is sorted by Document Date (most recent item first). Click the column headers to sort by other columns. |
View the document
To view the document, double-click the item in the list.
Shared Health Summary Tab
If a Shared Health Summary is available in the Document List, then a tab will display the latest Shared Health Summary of the customer.
Discharge Summary
If a Discharge Summary is available in the Document List, then a tab will display the latest Discharge Summary for the customer.
Allergy indicator
If a Shared Health Summary is available in the Document List and Adverse Reactions are recorded in this document, then this information is saved in Minfos and displayed in the Dispense form as Customer has allergies!.