The Dispense Trading Report is a summary of the total amount of scripts that have been dispensed for a specific date range.

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

1. Click the Dispense icon.

2. Click the Reports menu and select 1. Trading Report.

3. The Dispense Trading Report window is displayed.

A. Select one of the following patient types from the Report on drop down box:

  • All Patients displays all scripts dispensed on the specified date range.
  • Nursing Homes groups each nursing home and displays all scripts dispensed on the specified date range.
  • Hospitals groups each hospital and displays all scripts dispensed on the specified date range.

B. Select the Starting Date and Ending Date for the report.

C. Select the Daily Subtotals checkbox to display totals for each day in the specified date range and a grand total for all dates selected.

D. Select the Carer Type Sub-totals checkbox to display totals for patients in care and patients not in care and a grand total for all patients for the dates selected.

4. Click Okay to run the report.

5. The Trading Totals Report is displayed based on the selection criteria in Step 3.