Scripts can be queued for multiple people e.g. family members in one basket entry. However, the basket will need to be queued under one nominated customer. This customer’s name will be displayed on the eQueue form and eQueue docket, refer to Managing the eQueue for more information.
To nominate the customer the eQueue the basket is queued under:
1. Enter the customer’s surname and press [Tab].
The Customer Search window is displayed.
2. Highlight the customer and press [Enter].
3. If the customer does not display in the Customer Search Window, click Add to add a new customer.
1. Scan the customer’s eScript token and use this information to select a customer. When the token is scanned:
a. If an exact match can be found the customer is automatically selected.
b. If an exact match cannot be found the Select Customer Record window is displayed with possible matches in your database.
i. Select the correct customer from the list.
ii. Click Select or press [Enter].
c. If the customer does NOT exist in your database, the Select Customer Record window is displayed but is blank.
i. Click Add as a new customer to add the customer to the database. The customer is added and selected for the basket entry.
ii. Click Cancel or press [Esc]. The customer is not added to the database and the pharmacist will be prompted to add the customer when they are dispensing the basket entry.
- When you select Enter to save the eQueue basket entry, the Scripts Waiting prompt will display.
iii. Click Yes to add the basket entry to the eQueue.
iv. Click No to return the eQueue – Add to Queue window.
2. Continue to scan eScripts the customer wants dispensed. As you scan the eScripts, Minfos will download the eScript details from the PDS and display them on the screen.
Note eNRMC Chart Tokens cannot be scanned into the eQueue. When an eNRMC Chart Token is scanned in the eQueue an Error is displayed.eNRMC Item Tokens can be scanned and added to the eQueue.
3. Enter the number of paper scripts the customer requires, this field cannot be blank if there are no eScripts scanned.
4. If there is a concession number in the customer’s profile, it will display. Check this number with the customer or enter their concession number if it is blank. This will print on the pharmacy copy of the eQueue docket.
5. If there is a mobile number in the customer’s profile, it will display. Check this number with the customer or enter their mobile if it is blank.
a. If the mobile number is manually entered or updated, the Update Customer Details window will display, when this basket entry is added to the eQueue.
b. Click YES to update or NO to leave the existing mobile in the Customer Profile
6. If there is an email in the customer profile, it will display. Check this with the customer or enter their email if it is blank.
a. If the email address is manually entered or updated, Update Customer Details window will display, when this basket entry is added to the eQueue.
b. Click YES to update or NO to leave the existing email in the Customer Profile
7. Enter any notes for the dispensary, if required.
8. Select if the customer is:
a. Waiting
b. Click C/Back if the customer has opted to call back for their scripts.
i. Enter into the Return Date and Collect time fields the date and time the customer will return to collect their scripts.
9. Customer questions - select Yes or No if the customer requires/does not require any of these options.
10. Click Enter to add this basket entry to the eQueue.
11. If you have configured your system to print paper dockets for the customer and / or the pharmacy, the eQueue dockets will print.
Note The eQueue docket printing settings can be changed on the General tab of the Shop Configuration screen. For further information, see Configure eQueue docket printing settings