Your customers are your pharmacy's reason for being. At Minfos, we understand that maintaining accurate customer records in the dispensary is essential.

This topic will demonstrate how to select, add and edit customer records; use the Scripts on File indicator; manage customer notes; and view and update drug allergies.

Select, add and edit customers from the Dispense Form

There are several ways to search for and select a customer from the Minfos Dispense Form. 

In the Surname field: 

  • Scan your stores own repeat barcode
  • Scan the electronic script barcode
  • Search for the customer by name, it is recommended that you input at least the first three letters of the surname.
  • Enter a street number and part street name
  • Enter a Medicare number (with no spaces). When searching by Medicare Number the results will list all customers in the system with the same Medicare number. Include the IRN if you want a specific customer

Once you have selected your customer, press Change f3 to edit the customer details. 

Alternatively, to add a new customer, click Add f5 on the Minfos Dispense Form to launch the Customer Entry window.

Video - Manage Customers in the Dispensary

Watch the video 
Learn how to select, add and edit customer information in Minfos in this video tutorial.

Further reading 
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the article below.
Add a New Customer in Dispense

Use the Scripts on File indicator

The Scripts on File indicator is a checkbox in the customer profile that can be checked for those customers who keep their scripts on file at your pharmacy. Once checked, an indicator will be displayed in various screens in Minfos.

This indicator can assist pharmacy staff in recognising scripts on file customers to ensure the scripts do not unintentionally leave the pharmacy with the customer.

Video - Scripts on File

Watch the video
Learn how to manage the Scripts on File indicator, and view in which screens it will be displayed, in this video tutorial. 

Further reading
If you would like to learn more about functions mentioned in this video, please refer to the articles below.
Add a New Customer in Dispense
Create & customise your Totals Label
Sell a prescription to a customer

Manage Customer Notes

Minfos allows notes to be added to a customer’s profile from the Dispense, Customer and Till modules. Depending on the type of note added, you can elect to display the note when the customer is selected in either the Till or Dispense screens. This video will demonstrate how to add and view Customer Notes .

Video - Customer Notes

Watch the video 
Watch this video to learn how to add, edit and view Customer Notes in Minfos. 

Further reading
To learn more about Customer Notes, please refer to the articles below.
Customer notes to prompt at the Till

Drug Allergies

Minfos has collaborated with MIMS to incorporate their drug to drug and drug-allergy interaction alert modules into the Minfos Dispense workflow. Using the MIMS up-to-date, evidence-based Clinical Decision Support modules, Minfos provides pharmacists with clear warnings on interactions between drugs, and alerts for a patient’s known allergy events directly from Minfos Dispense.

Video - Drug Allergies in Minfos

Watch the video 
Learn how to maintain drug allergies in customer profiles and view examples of the allergy alerts that may display during the dispensing process.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the article below.
Drug Allergies

Congratulations! You have completed this topic, Customer management. You are now ready to progress to the next topic - Dispense paper prescriptions.

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