From the Dispense Pro module:
1. Click the Maintenance menu and select M. Drug Pricing.
Tip: Drug Pricing can also be opened from the Dispense Form: Click Extended. The Extended Dispense Options window is displayed. Click D. Drug Pricing.
The Drug Pricing window is displayed.
2. Click Print.The Private Drug Pricing Report window is displayed.
3. Select the appropriate Sort Order; Product will print alphabetically.
4. Enter the required From and To value; leave on the default to include all products within the range.
5. Select the appropriate Pricing Options; Select Any to include Fixed Prices, Fixed Markup and Pricing Matrix.
6. Select the required Base Cost. Leave on All to include all drugs.
7. Click Okay to generate the report.
The Private Pricing Drug Report is displayed.
The Legend for the report is displayed on the last page.