The Prescriber Maintenance window allows you to add, change or delete prescribers in Minfos. 

Prescriber Maintenance can be accessed from the Dispense module or directly from the Minfos Dispense Form.

From Dispense Pro:

1. Click the Maintenance menu.

2. Select 4. Prescribers.


From the Dispense Form:

1. Click Extended.

2. Select 4. Prescriber Maintenance and click Okay.

The Prescriber Maintenance window is displayed.a. Click Add to add a new prescriber.

b. Highlight an entry and click Change to edit an existing prescriber .

c. Highlight an entry and click Delete to delete an unused prescriberIf the prescriber has been saved against a script record they cannot be deleted. 

d. Click Sort to adjust the sort order, the current sort order is displayed.

e. Click Find to find a prescriber in Prescriber Maintenance. The Search criteria is dependent on the sort order.

f. Click Print to print the current list of entries.

g. Click Merge to merge two duplicate Prescriber records.

h. Click Prescriber Audit Report to run the Prescriber Audit Report. This reports potential duplicate and unused prescribers.

i. Highlight an entry and click Switch Names if the prescriber has been added with the Surname in the First Name field or vice versa.

j. Highlight an entry and click Info to view, edit or add any prescriber information.

k. Click Prev and Next to navigate through the list of prescribers.

l. Click Cancel to close Prescriber Maintenance.