Update Retail Units

Select the Update Retail Units check box when collecting the wholesaler updates for Symbion Pty Ltd and/or Sigma Company Ltd .

This will update retail units (carton quantities) with the retail units in the wholesaler updates - any carton quantities which you have previously changed will be overwritten.

It is recommended to select this checkbox.

Update Shelf Packs

Update Shelf Packs checkbox will update the shelf pack quantity against the supplier information in each product stock card. This quantity is the quantity in which the warehouse packs the stock and this information is imported when the wholesaler update is collected.

It is recommended to select this checkbox.

Apply GST Flags

Selecting Apply GST Flags will apply GST on sales and the GST on purchases flags against each product stock card imported in the wholesaler update. The GST flags are defined by the supplier and are the responsibility of the store.

It is recommended to select this checkbox.

Note    The GST flags supplied in each Wholesaler Update are defined by the supplier. Each pharmacy is responsible for reviewing the GST flags and updating if required.