You can customise the appearance of Minfos by selecting a visual theme. 

Options available are:

Tranquil Blue (beta) Minfos Theme 

The Tranquil Blue theme improves the appearance of Minfos without affecting functionality. 

  • Better Customer Experience: Enlarged windows and increased size of menus and headings to enhance navigation and ease of use 
  • Enhanced Readability: Modern font and bold text on commonly used fields 
  • Improved Aesthetics: Blue background and round corners on buttons 

Example of Retail Till:  

A computer screen shot of a computer

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The Tranquil Blue Minfos Theme is a Beta product, and we welcome your feedback via email to 

Enable the Tranquil Blue Minfos Theme 

From the Utilities module: 

  1. Click the Config menu and select 2. Themes

The Themes window is displayed. 

  1. Click the Visual Theme dropdown and select Tranquil Blue (beta)
  2. If required, update the Background Window and Text colours. Click the appropriate dropdown and select your colour preference. 

A screenshot of a computer

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  1. Click OK to save. 
  2. Log out of Minfos completely on each workstation, you can immediately log in and the theme is updated. 

Microsoft Office 2016 based themes

You can customise the appearance of Minfos by selecting a visual theme based on Microsoft Office 2016 designs, and by selecting colours for the background and text of module windows.

Examples of Office 2016 themes

Office 2016 Colourful

A screenshot of a computer

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Office 2016 Dark Gray

Graphical user interface

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Office 2016 White

Graphical user interface

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Enable a Microsoft Office 2016 based theme

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

  1. Click the Special menu and select Utilities.

The Utilities module is displayed.

  1. Click the Config menu and select 2. Themes.

The Themes window is displayed.

Graphical user interface 
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  1. Click Visual Theme and select your preferred option.

  1. If required, update the Background Window and Text colours. Click the appropriate dropdown and select your colour preference.
  2. Click OK to save.
  3. Log out of Minfos completely on each workstation, you can immediately log in and the theme is updated. 

Default theme

Example of Retail Till:

A screenshot of a computer

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Reset to Default Minfos theme

From the Utilities module: 

  1. Click the Config menu and select 2. Themes

The Themes window is displayed. 

  1. Click Reset to Default.

In the Themes window, the Visual Theme and Background colours revert to the default.

A screenshot of a computer

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  1. Click OK to save.
  2. Log out of Minfos completely on each workstation, you can immediately log in and the theme is updated.