The Minfos database team work directly with over 250 suppliers to help you maintain current and accurate product stock cards via regular automatic updates. This saves you time and effort as products available from many popular pharmacy suppliers can be automatically added to your database in bulk - rather than you manually adding new stock cards one by one. These stock cards are referred to as 'Minfos Maintained'.

At times, it may be necessary to manually add stock cards to your database. For example - for products that are not maintained by Minfos or for instore pharmacy services such as beauty treatments. These stock cards are referred to as 'Locally added stock cards'. 

This topic will provide you with the knowledge you need to add and manage stock cards via Minfos product updates as well as those that are added manually in your pharmacy. 

Minfos product updates

Minfos provides up to date product information sourced from the wholesalers and suppliers.

There are three types of product updates provided by Minfos:

  • Wholesaler updates (released weekly for Symbion, released monthly for Sigma and API)
  • Supplier MNPN updates (direct suppliers)

We recommend that product updates for suppliers you interact with regularly be set up to automatically apply when available. This ensures that your Minfos database contains the most up to date product information from relevant suppliers.

It is also possible to manage Minfos product updates manually. 

Video - Minfos Wholesaler updates

Wholesaler updates add new product information and update existing product details, such as supplier PDE, barcodes, shelf pack values and retail units. This update will not change your current product description, retail pricing or current unit costs. The content within the wholesaler update is sourced directly from the Wholesaler.

The following Wholesalers supply updates to Minfos:

  • Symbion Pty Ltd (06080)
  • A.P.I Retail File (01163)
  • Sigma Company Ltd (19090)
Watch the video 
Learn how to set up and run automatic and manual Wholesaler updates in this video tutorial.

Further reading 
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the articles below. Manual Wholesaler updates Automatic Wholesaler updates

Video - Minfos Direct Supplier MNPN updates

Direct Supplier MNPN updates are product updates that add new product information and update existing product details supplied by the participating given direct suppliers to Minfos. Direct Supplier MNPN updates will add new product information, update existing product descriptions and supplier details, such as PDE and barcodes. These updates do not change retail or cost prices.

Watch the video 
Learn how to set up and run automatic and manual Direct Supplier MNPN updates in this video tutorial.

Further reading 
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the articles below. Manual Direct Supplier MNPN Updates Automatic Direct Supplier MNPN updates Direct Suppliers Maintained by Minfos

Add stock cards manually

When a product is not available from a Minfos product update, you can add the stock card to your database manually. This is necessary for products from suppliers that are not maintained by Minfos or for instore pharmacy services. These stock cards are referred to as 'Locally added' stock cards.

There are 3 functions in Minfos that can be used to add local stock cards:

  • Via the Add button in Product Maintenance 
  • Using Copy to copy an existing stock card 
  • Via Quick Product Entry when a group of products have similar attributes

This topic will demonstrate each of these functions. 

Video - Manually add a stock card

Watch the video
Learn how to manually add stock cards to your database in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the article below.
Add Local Products to Product Maintenance manually Add a Service product Create a Hire Product

Video - Copy an existing stock card

Watch the video
Learn how to copy an existing stock card to quickly create a new stock card in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the article below.
Copy an existing product in Product Maintenance

Video - Quick Product Entry

Watch the video
Learn how to easily add stock cards for a range of similar products using Quick Product Entry in this video tutorial. This option can only be use for stock cards where the Product Type is Product.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more about functions mentioned in this video, please refer to the articles below.
Add Local Products using Quick Product Entry

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