The first step to the ordering process in Minfos is to create or generate an order. This topic will introduce the 3 most commonly used order types in Minfos:

  • Usage Only orders
  • Out of Stocks orders
  • Normal orders

Ordering processes take place in the Minfos Order Maintenance screen.

Access Order Maintenance

The Order Maintenance screen is the hub for ordering in Minfos. This screen allows you to find and interact with all the orders in your system, from the creation stage, through to review, sending, receiving and completion.

To access the Order Maintenance window from the Stock Manager module, either:

a. Click the Order Maintenance icon on the top left, or

b. Click the Ordering tab on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated

Usage Only orders

Usage Only orders can also be described as replenishment orders. The products and quantities generated for a Usage Only order are based only on the products and quantities that have been sold during the specified period. 

This order type is not generally recommended for your daily Wholesaler order. 

Usage Only orders are most appropriate in situations where you do not have sufficient sales/purchase history or when generating a replenishment order for a direct supplier.

Video - Generate Usage Only orders

Watch the video 
Learn how to generate Usage Only orders in this video tutorial.

Further reading 
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the articles below.
Order Maintenance Overview Generate Orders Overview
Generate a Usage Only Order

Out of Stocks orders

Out of Stocks orders will generate an order that includes products that are marked as Stocked in your Minfos, but have zero or (optionally) negative stock on hand.

This order type is useful to capture those items that don't have a recent sales history as they have been unavailable for customers to purchase.

Video - Generate Out of Stocks orders

Watch the video
Learn how to generate Out of Stocks orders in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the article below.
Generate Orders Overview

Normal orders

The recommended order type for generating your daily wholesaler order is the Normal order type. This order type generates an order based on the sales history and current stock on hand. Products must be marked as Stocked to be considered in this order type.

Video - Generate Normal orders

Watch the video
Learn how to generate a Normal order in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the articles below. Generate Orders Overview
Generate a Daily Wholesaler Order
Troubleshoot products not appearing on an order

Using the Normal order type in other scenarios

The Normal order type is also used when generating orders for a number of other scenarios. Refer the the links below for further information.

Note for Terry White Chemmart Pharmacies
Terry White Chemmart pharmacies that participate in the Buy Better program may see additional fields and information in Minfos Order Maintenance. Refer to Terry White Chemmart Head Office for further information about this program.

Congratulations! You are now ready to progress to the next topic - Review and Send orders.

Track your progress Don't forget to mark off your progress on the checklist before you move onto the next topic.