From the Minfos Launch Pad

1. Click the Multi-store icon.

The Multi-store module is displayed.

2. Click the Pricing menu and select 1. Edit Pricing Tiers.

The Edit Pricing Tiers window is displayed.

3. Enter the Sub-category Code or Name e.g. the Class, and press [Tab].

 The Class (sub-category) Search Window is displayed.

4. Select a sub-category, e.g. acne and click Okay or press [Enter].

The chosen sub-category populates the Edit Pricing Tiers window.

5. Click Review Tier Pricing.

The Edit Pricing Tiers window is displayed. 

6. Select Export Pricing or press [Alt+X]. The ‘Export Pricing' button will be disabled if the list is empty.7. The Save As window is displayed.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

8. Specify the export file name & location where you would like to save the file and click Save.

Note: By default, the location is \Minfos01\EXPORT and the export file type is CSV.

9. The listed products & their tiered prices are saved to the export file.

The Summary: Export Tier Pricing File prompt is displayed on completion.


Sample export file:

  • Fields exported are: MNPN, Product Barcode, Product Name, T1 Cur RP, T2 Cur RP, T3 Cur RP


Description automatically generated

Note: If the category has NOT been assigned to Tiered Pricing, then 0 records will be exported