Use the following process to dispense a private script to a patient for free, where you are supplied the stock at no charge.

Note: If your pharmacy is configured for FIFO this process cannot be followed. Refer to FIFO (First in, First out): An Introduction for more information.

This is a multiple step process:

Step 1: Change the unit cost in the stock card to 0.00.

Step 2: Edit your SOH.

Step 3: Dispense the product and then sell it through the Till.

Step 4: Change the stock card back to the original cost.

Step 1: Change the Unit cost in the Stock Card:

From Product Maintenance:

1. Find the product and click Change.

The Product Edit window is displayed.

2. Highlight the Unit Cost (make a note of the current price) and enter 0.00.3. Click OK to save.

Step 2: Edit your SOH.

From Product Maintenance with the product highlighted:

1. Click Edit Qty.

The Product Stock on Hand Edit window is displayed.

2. Enter the updated stock on hand figure into the Qty Counted field.

3. Click the Reason for Change dropdown and make the required selection e.g. Bonus.4. Click Okay to save.

Step 3: Dispense the product and sell it through the Till.

From the Dispense Form:

1. Dispense the prescription as per your usual process.

2. Change the Price to 0.00.3. Press [Enter] to save and process the script.

4. Sell the prescription through the Till.5. This step is optional, click Add Note.

The Add Note To Sale window is displayed.

6. Enter a meaningful note e.g. Compassionate supply. This note will display in your sales history and the receipt. Refer to Add a Note to a Sales transaction at the Till for more information.7. Click Enter to save the note.

8. Finalise the sale under Cash.

Step 4: Change the stock card back to the original cost.

From Product Maintenance:

1. Find the product and click Change.

The Product Edit window is displayed.

2. Highlight the Unit Cost and enter the original cost.

3. Click OK to save.