

Update Format of the Unique Pharmacy Prescription Number

The format of the Unique Pharmacy Prescription Number (UPPN) used when making a claim to PBS Online has been updated.

The original format was MFSYMMDDscriptnumber, has been updated to MFSYYMMDDscriptnumber.
 i.e. leading MFS, YY = year, MM = month in numbers, DD = day of the month, scriptnumber = daily script number of the dispensed item padded with leading zeros to create a 5 digit number. For example, the first script dispensed on the 7th of June 2022 will have a UPPN of MFS22060700001.

Only scripts dispensed once you update to 7.2.2 will have this format. You may notice the updated UPPN on the Online Status screen for a dispensed item and in PBS reports. 


Stock Manager

Product Audit Report - easily identify which external source made a change to product data

Now when a product change is made by an external party/update the Product Audit Reports clearly labels who the source of the update was. The generic Source type Management # has been replaced by a descriptive name of the source: 

  • PROD IMPORT/IMPORT MNPN: Changes made from applying a Wholesaler or MNPN update
  • Multistore H/O: Changes made by your head office
  • TWC Hub: Changes made by Hub updates
  • SignIQ: Changes made by Last Yard/SignIQ

Refer to Product Audit Report for more information.


Resolved Issues

  1. Minfos will no longer prompt to substitute generics that are not bioequivalent of one another.
  2. Private scripts will no longer trigger the Safety Net Consequences/Reg 25 prompt.
  3. Occasionally, the GP% is incorrect on the Dispense Form when downloading an eScript. This has now been resolved and the GP% will display correctly.
  4. The Safety Net report will now be automatically displayed when selected for patients who have exceeded the threshold.
  5. The U.Third Party Packing option is now available in the Script Options menu when opened from the Rx Done window.
  6. Editing a script with no co-payment discount will no longer apply the co-payment discount against the script.
  7. Deleting a script that has been charged to an external Third Party Pillbox will now display the SOH correctly in the Drug Recall Window.
  8. It is now possible to dismiss the Continued Dispensing prompt for items with a long description.
  9. Scripts that are dispensed via Quick Dispense will now display in the I. Invoice to Account window from Script Options.
Stock Manager
  1. The Retail Units/Pack field in the Stock Card will now be updated according to the Preferred Supplier.