Minfos offers a range of tools that make it easier to communicate product specific information to your team. Whether your aim is to increase your basket size by offering complimentary products, or communicate essential information such as short dated products or Gift With Purchase offers, Minfos has you covered.

Companion Products

To increase non-prescription sales, your pharmacy may wish to identify and offer companion products that are complimentary to the original item. The Companion Products function in Minfos allows you to set up companion products to prompt in Dispense or the Till when the original item is selected.

Video - Add Companion Products

Watch the video 
Learn how to set up Companion Products in this video tutorial.

Further reading 
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the article below.
Companion Products

Product Info Notes

Learn how to add a product specific note or information and have it display at the Till, in Dispense and when adding a product to an order. It is possible to manage product info notes in bulk or one at a time.

Video - Manage Product Info Notes

Watch the video
Learn how to manage Product Info Notes in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more about functions mentioned in this video, please refer to the article below.
Add information notes to products

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