After you have completed all of the relevant stocktake preparation tasks you are ready to begin counting the stock. There are 3 methods of counting:

  • Using the Minfos App
  • Using the wireless scanner
  • By pen and paper on printed stocktake sheets

Regardless of which method you choose, there are several tips to help you enjoy a hassle free stocktake period:

  • Count each shelf from left to right
  • Count each bay or section from top to bottom
  • Plan a way of marking where you are up to if you are interrupted
  • Ensure you also check and count products in the storeroom and scripts that are waiting at the till
  • If an order arrives while you are in the middle of stocktaking a location, wait until you have finished the location before you complete and put away the order

Report on Uncollected Scripts

Until stock has been paid for and left the pharmacy it is counted as stock on hand and needs to be included in the stocktake count. The Uncollected Script report generates a list of uncollected script that have not yet been paid for. 

This report should be reviewed prior to counting any location in your store, especially the dispensary locations, to ensure all stock is captured in the stocktake. 

Video - Uncollected Scripts report

Watch the video
Learn how to generate a report of scripts that have been dispensed but not yet sold in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more about functions mentioned in this video, please refer to the articles below. Uncollected Scripts Report Print Uncollected Scripts Report

Stocktake using the Minfos App

Minfos App is a phone app, available for both Android and iOS, which interfaces efficiently with Minfos and enables stocktaking to be performed right from your phone.

Click here for instructions. 

Stocktake using the Wireless Scanner

If you have a wireless scanner, you can choose to allocate the stock to the correct locations at the same time as you stocktake. Alternatively, if your stock is already allocated to the correct location, you can simply scan and count.

Click here for instructions.

Stocktake via pen and paper

There are 3 main steps to stocking via pen and paper:

  1. Print the stocktake sheets for each location.
  2. Manually count the stock and write the stock count for each item on the stocktake sheet.
  3. Enter the manually counted stock via the Rolling Stocktake function in Minfos.

1. Print Stocktake Sheets

Print stocktake sheets for one location at a time. 

Click here for instructions.

2. Count the stock

Ideally staff should count from the shelf to paper and left to right. This helps to ensure ALL products physically located on the shelf are counted during this stocktake. Record the correct quantity on the printed stock take sheet in the Count Adj. column.

  • If a product is on the shelf and not on the stocktake sheet, the product details should be written down, so the product can be allocated to the correct location
  • Ensure you count the sub-units inside any broken packs
  • Don't forget to count stock in the storeroom and uncollected scripts

3. Enter the manual stock counts in Rolling Stocktake

After the stock has been physically counted the updated SOH must be entered in Minfos via the Rolling Stocktake function. 

Watch the video 
Learn how to enter manually counted stock via the Rolling Stocktake function in this video tutorial.

Further reading 
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the article below.
Enter manually counted stock using Rolling Stocktake

Stocktake your Robot

If your pharmacy has a robot in your dispensary ensure that it is included in the stocktake.

Click here for instructions. 

Print Reports for Uncounted Stock

When a product is counted in the app, wireless scanner or updated in Minfos via Rolling Stocktake, the Last Counted Date is updated. The Not Counted Stock report returns a list of products within the specified parameters where the products are not reported as counted. 

Regardless of how you have counted your stock, this report should be run and reviewed for each location. This ensures that any products that may have been missed during the stocktake are captured.  

Video - Not Counted Stock report

Watch the video
Learn how to identify stock that was not counted during a stocktake in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more about functions mentioned in this video, please refer to the article below.
Print Not Counted reports

Enter Uncounted Stock via Rolling Stocktake

After items that were reported as not counted have been checked, the count for any items that were missed can be entered via the Minfos Rolling Stocktake function. This process also provided the opportunity to update the stockcards of products that are in the incorrect location or are no longer stocked.

Video - Enter not counted stock via Minfos Rolling Stocktake

Watch the video
Learn how to enter the count for stock that was not counted during the initial stock count in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more about functions mentioned in this video, please refer to the article below.
Enter not counted stock via Rolling Stocktake

Congratulations! You are now ready to progress to the next topic.

Track your progress Don't forget to mark off your progress on the checklist before you move onto the next topic.