Minfos offers two different Address Label formats:

Default Address Label Fred label example (this will also print on Lockie and Amfac labels):

Note: This label cannot be edited and information cannot be removed or added.

Custom Address Label examples:

Note: this label is customisable and fields can be moved, removed and added.




Enable the Custom Address Label:

From Dispense Pro:

1. Click the Maintenance menu and select D. Configuration.

The Configuration window is displayed.

2. Click the Printing/Pricing tab.

3. From the Dispense Templates section, click the Address Label dropdown and select Custom.

4. Click OK to save.

Set up your Active Label Template:

From Dispense Pro:

1. Click the Maintenance menu and select Z. Dispense Templates.

The Dispense Template Editor window is displayed.

  • Depending on the format of your dispense labels, you will need to choose one of the label formats from the list and set it to Active. This is the format in which your labels will be printed

2. Highlight the required label and click Set Active

3. Refer to the Set up Dispense Label printer for Custom Address or Totals Labels article to ensure your label printer will print the custom label correctly.

4. After testing the printing of the default custom label, if you need to make adjusts to the label, refer to the Customise your own label section of this article.

Note: Only one Address Label can be active at a time - indicated by the  icon next to your selection. The Address Label (Fred) label is set to Active by default.

Customise your own label

Before you customise your label, you must first make a copy of the Minfos label.

1. Highlight the correct Address Label in the Dispense Template Editor window.

2. Click Save a Copy. 

The Save a Copy window is displayed.

3. Give your custom label a memorable name, e.g. ‘Custom Address Label’.4. Click Save Copy.

Your new template is now saved in the Dispense Template Editor window.

5. Highlight your new Address Label and click Edit.

The Label Editor is displayed.

6. To make a change to one of the attributes, e.g. to increase the font for the Scripts on File Indicator, double click the SOF field on the template.

The Paragraph Properties window is displayed.

7. Double click the Aa button that displays to the right of the font details when the font field is selected.

The Font window is displayed. 

8. Here you can make changes to the SOF text. E.g. increasing the size to 18 and changing the font to Arial.  

Note: Changing the Font and increasing the text may increase the space occupied by the “SOF” text. This may affect other attributes on the label.

9. Click OK to save from the Font window and then again from the Paragraph Properties window.

As a result, the size of the SOF text is increased on the template – note that, in this example, this is cut-off as the field is not large enough to accommodate.

10. To increase the size of the SOF field, highlight the field and drag the anchor points around the field to increase the size.

11. To remove any of the fields above from your custom template, simply highlight the field, right click and select Delete or highlight and press [Del].

12. To save your changes, click the File menu and select Save.

13. To exit the Dispense Template Editor window, click Cancel.

Make your Custom Label your default Address label 

Only one Address Label can be active at any one time - this is depicted by the icon in the Dispense Template Editor window.

1. Highlight your custom label from the list.

2. Click Set Active . The  icon is now displayed next your custom label, marking it as the current default. Other options in the Dispense Template Editor are:

  • Rename - Allows renaming of any custom labels you have created
  • Import - Import Address Labels created by another pharmacy - useful if you want to use the same format across a group
  • Export - Export your custom Address Label to allow other pharmacies to import
Note: Ensure you follow the steps in Set up Dispense Label printer for Custom Address or Totals Labels before you print your first Custom Address Label.