This option will generate a report of patient contribution amounts within a date range. It can be run for a specific drug or all drugs, it can either display the drug name or Dispensed Item (for privacy). It can be generated in a summary format or a details list of items dispensed. It can be sorted by:

  • All patients
  • Patients in Care
  • Specified Patient
  • Nursing Home
  • Hospital
  • Third Party

To run the report:

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

1. Click the Dispense Reports icon.

The Dispense Reporting module is displayed.

2. Click the Patients menu and select 6. Patient Charges.

The Patient Charges Report window is displayed.3. Make the required changes to window and click OK to run.


  • Run for a specific nursing home and displaying the drug name
  • Run for all patients, do not display drug name
  • Run for patients in care and in summary format