Minfos provides the option to display the discount of each individual product on the Till receipt, this helps customers see how much they are saving on each product.

Video demonstration

Step by Step Instructions

Enable Individual Discounts

From the Retail Till module:

1. Click the File menu and select 6. Preferences or click the Till Preferences icon.

The Till Preferences window is displayed.

2. Click the Cash/Card, Docket and Other tab.3. Check the Show Individual Discounts checkbox.4. Click OK to save.

5. Log out of the Retail Till module on all Till workstations for the change to take effect.

Example Docket

Disable Individual Discounts

From the Retail Till module:

1. Click the File menu and select 6. Preferences or click the Till Preferences icon.

The Till Preferences window is displayed.

2. Click the Cash/Card, Docket and Other tab.3. Uncheck the Show Individual Discounts checkbox.4. Click OK to save.

5. Log out of the Retail Till module on all Till workstations for the change to take effect.