This report will list all scripts dispensed for a particular drug for a date range, you can also select a range of patients, prescribers, pharmacists, suburbs or postcodes. This can be helpful for a drug recall.

From the Dispense Reporting module:

1. Click the Drugs menu and select 3. Drugs Dispensed Report.

The Drug Dispensed Report window is displayed.2. Enter the required Drug Name and press [Tab]. The Possible Matches Found window is displayed, highlight the required drug and click Okay.

3. Click the Sort By dropdown and select from:

  • Customer
  • Doctor
  • Pharmacist
  • Suburb
  • Postcode

4. Enter the required From and To range. The fields default to include all Customers, Doctors, Pharmacists, Suburbs and Postcodes.

Note: These fields update dependent on the Sort by order selected.

5. Enter the required Starting Date and Ending Date

6. If a detailed report is required, check the Detailed checkbox. Extra details include NHS number, script directions, Doctors name.

7. To include deferred scripts, check the Include deferred scripts checkbox.

8. Click Okay to run the report.

Report Examples:

Sorted by Customer, Detailed uncheckedSorted by Customer, Detailed checked