This is a three-step process:

Step One: Import your Medicine File

Step Two: Configure Minfos to refer to the Medicine File

Step Three: Create a Meditec pack run

This article covers all steps.

Step One: Import your Medicine File

Your Hub will provide you with a Medicine File containing all the drugs that they manage. Save this file to your workstation or a shared drive. Ensure you make a note of where you have saved this file to.

To import the file into Minfos

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

1. Click the Special menu and select Utilities.

The Utilities module is displayed.

2. Click the Special menu and select I. Import Meditec Medicine File.

The Import Meditec Medicine File window is displayed.

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3. Click  to find the Medicine File.

The Open window is displayed.

4. Navigate to the file location, highlight the file and click Open.

The Import Meditec Medicine File window is re-displayed.A screenshot of a computer

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5. Click OK to import the file.

The Processing window is displayed.

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Once processed, the MNPN’s will be added to Minfos, and the Import Complete prompt is displayed.

6. Click OK to close the prompt. 

The Import Meditec Medicine File Report is displayed.

7. Click Print or Close.

Step Two: Configure Minfos to refer to the Medicine File

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

1. Click the Special menu and select Utilities.

The Utilities module is displayed.

2. Click the Config menu and select Shop Configuration.

The Shop Configuration window is displayed.

3. Click the Packing tab. 

4. Check the Refer to Medicine File checkbox. 

The checkbox will only be enabled when a Meditec Medicine File has been imported.

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5. Click OK to save.

Step Three: Create a Meditec pack run

1. Create a Meditec pack run as per your normal process. 

  • If all the drugs in the selected patient’s profiles are in the Medicine File, then the packing file will be created as expected

If there are some drugs in patient’s profiles are not in the Medicine File, then the Create Pack Run: Exceptions window is displayed listing the patients and their associated drugs that are not in the Medicine File.

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2. Click Print Exceptions to print a list of all the exceptions that need to be corrected.

3. Click Close to close the window.

Note: All exceptions need to be corrected before the packing run can be created.

4. Review each exception and substitute the drug to a brand supported by your Hub site.

a. If you are not sure which brands are supported, contact your Hub.

i. Substitute the required drugs, click here to learn how to make bulk substitutions.

5. Once all exceptions have been corrected, re-create the Pack Run.