This report will list all scripts based on a particular prescriber, the report can be for all scripts and customers in a date range or for a specific drug and/or patient.
From the Dispense Pro module:
1. Click the Reports menu and select 6. Doctors.
Tip: This report can also be run from the Dispense Reporting module. Click the Doctors menu and select 1. Scripts Dispensed by Doctor.
The Dispensing History by Prescriber window is displayed.2. In the Doctor field, enter the required prescriber code and press [Tab] or enter the prescribers name and press [Tab], the Prescriber Search window is displayed, highlight the required doctor and press OK.
3. Enter the required date range in the Starting Date and Ending Date fields.
4. Check the Detailed checkbox if required.
5. To report on all drugs, leave the Specify Drug checkbox unchecked. To report on a specific drug, check the Specify Drug checkbox, the Drug field is then enabled, enter the name of the drug and press [Tab] to search. The Possible Matches Found window is displayed. Highlight the required drug and click Okay.
6. To report on all patient's leave the Specify Drug checkbox uncheck. To report on a specific patient, check the Specify Patient checkbox, the Patient field is then enabled, enter the name of the patient and press [Tab] to search. The Customer Search Window is displayed. Highlight the required patient and click Okay.
7. Click Okay to run the report.
Report Examples
Detailed not selectedDetailed selected
Specify Drug selected
Specify Patient selected