From 1 July 2024 the Australian Government is expanding access to the CTG PBS Co-Payment Program.

This change will apply to eligible First Nations patients who:

  • normally pay the full PBS co-payment of $31.60 get their medicine at the concession price of $7.70
  • normally pay the concession price get PBS medicines for free

Prior to 1 July 2024 the CTG PBS Co-Payment currently only applies to section 85 PBS medicines supplied by:

  • community pharmacies
  • approved medical practitioners
  • private hospitals

This includes eligible section 85 medicines supplied under Continued Dispensing arrangements. 

What is changing? 

From 1 July 2024 the CTG PBS Co-Payment Program will also apply to Section 100 PBS medicines when dispensed by a community pharmacy, approved medical practitioner or private hospital.

What does this mean for me? 

From 1 July 2024, when a customer has the CTG flag ticked in their profile and an S100 item drug is selected, the dispenser must tick the CTG flag in the dispense form manually.

Minfos version 8.2.1 contains an enhancement to automate this process. After you update to Minfos version 8.2.1, when a S100 drug is selected for a customer that has CTG ticked in their profile, Minfos will automatically tick the CTG flag in the dispense form.