Use the Product Purchases Enquiry window to review the purchase history of a specified product.

1. In the Stock Manager module, click Enquiry.

2. Select 2. Product Purchases.

The Product Purchases Enquiry window is displayed.

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3. Enter the product number or name of the product you wish to review and press [Tab].

If required, the Product Search Window is displayed.

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4. Select the relevant product and click Okay.  

The specified product is displayed in the Product Purchases Enquiry window.

5. Specify a date range in the From Date and To Date fields. By default, the last 12 months is displayed.

6. Press [Tab] or click Okay.

The purchase history data is displayed in the Product Purchases Enquiry window.

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7. To view the details of a particular order, select the order and click Enquire.

The Order Enquiry window is displayed.

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8. Click Okay or press [Esc] to close the Order Enquiry window.

9. Click Cancel to exit the Product Purchases Enquiry window.