The action of redirecting an order in Minfos allows you to take an existing order and change the supplier and the PDEs.

Redirecting an order can be useful for out of stock products, electronic Multi-store transfers or when the preferred supplier set against a range of products is not your pharmacies preferred supplier, for example, Natio.

The MNPN update for Natio will add new Natio products with Natio as the preferred supplier. Your pharmacy may purchase the stock from an alternative supplier. You can leave Natio as the preferred supplier to create or generate an order, and then redirect the order in Minfos before sending it.

To Redirect an Order:

1. Highlight the order that is required to be redirected to another supplier, then click X. Redirect.The Redirect Order window is displayed.
2. In the New Supplier text box enter the new supplier name and press [Tab] to search.

The Supplier Search window is displayed.

3. Highlight the relevant supplier and click Okay.

The Redirect Order window is displayed with the updated New Supplier.4. Click Okay.

The Order Editing is displayed, with the new Suppliers PDEs in the PDE column.5. Any products where the PDE is blank should be removed from the order. This indicates that your Minfos database does not have a PDE recorded against that product for the new supplier.

Alternatively, click Supplier and add the PDE for that supplier for that product.

6. Make any required adjustments to the order.

7. Click Okay to save changes.

8. Send the order to supplier, i.e. either transmit, email or print and mark as issued.