Refer to Generate Orders Overview for detailed explanations of the Order fields.

Navigate to Order Maintenance:

1. Click Generate.

The Order Generation window is displayed.

a. Supplier: Defaults to your preferred wholesaler.

b. Category: Defaults to Department, leave this field set as Department.

c. Include all: Checked by default. Leave this checked, that way all products (from the Supplier) in your database will be considered in this order. The Order content field is used to differentiate between Retail and Dispense lines.

d. Include all Companies: Checked by default. Leave this checked, that way all products (from the Supplier) in your database will be considered in this order.

e. Description: Enter a meaningful description for your order e.g. reason for the order, date and who is responsible for the order.

f. Order Date: Leave the order date on today's date to ensure you are looking at the most recent sales period refer to Seasonal Category Order for an example of changing this date. The Order Period in Days x 3 is the historical sales period used.

g. Order Period in Days: The field defaults to 7, enter the number of days you would like to make your current stock holding up to. Minfos recommend at least 30 days for a Monthly order, 90 days worth of sales data is then used to create today's order.

h. Delivery Time: Defaults to 1 day, increase if required. Minfos will then increase the quantities that are generated.

i. Z Factor: Defaults to 30.00, leave this field as it is.

j. Shelf Pack Rnd: Defaults to 80.00%, leave this field as it is.

k. Round Up After: Defaults to 4, leave this field as it is.

l. Order Type: Defaults to 1. Normal, leave this field as it is.

m. Use Default Suppliers: Checked by default, it is recommended to leave this checked. 

n. Order content: Defaults to 1. All Products. To only order for your dispense products or retail products, click the drop-down and select either 2. Dispense or 3. Retail

o. Include Negatives: Unchecked by default, it is an optional checkbox. Refer to Generate Orders Overview for an explanation on this field. 

p. Include Out of stocks (last 3 months): Unchecked by default, it is an optional checkbox. Refer to Generate Orders Overview for an explanation on this field.

q. Include Uncollected Scripts: This is unchecked by default, Minfos recommend this is checked.

r. Generate: Click Generate to start the order generation process.

The Order Maintenance window is displayed, your order will be in a status of Created

Refer to Edit an Order to learn how to adjust your generated order.