Usage-only orders are ideal when your pharmacy does not have extensive sales and purchases history, or when preparing a replenishment order for a particular range.

Video Demonstration

Step by Step Instructions

Refer to Generate Orders Overview for detailed explanations of the ordering fields.

From Order Maintenance:

1. Click Generate.

The Order Generation window is displayed.

a. Supplier: Defaults to your preferred wholesaler, adjust if required.

b. Category: Defaults to Department, leave this field set as Department.

c. Include all: Checked by default. Leave this checked, that way all products (from the Supplier) in your database will be considered in this order. The Order content field is used to differentiate between Retail and Dispense lines.

d. Include all Companies: Checked by default. Leave this checked, that way all products (from the Supplier) in your database will be considered in this order. 

e. Description: Enter a meaningful description for your order e.g. reason for the order, date and who is responsible for the order.

f. Order Type: Defaults to 1. Normal, click the drop-down and select 3. Usage Only.

g. Use Default Suppliers: Check by default, it is recommended to leave this checked.

h. Order content:  Defaults to 1. All Products. To only order for your dispense products or retail products, click the drop-down and select either 2. Dispense or 3. Retail.

i. Starting Date & Ending Date: Default to today's date. Adjust if required, the products must have been sold to be considered for this order. 

j. Stocked Only: This is not checked by default, if this checkbox is selected the products must be flagged as Re-order (Stocked) to be considered for this order.

k. Generate: Click Generate to start the order generation process.

The following Warning prompt is displayed.

2. Click OK to generate the order.

The Order Maintenance window is displayed, your order will be in a status of Created.

Scripts waiting at the till will not be included in this order. 
This is not the recommended ordering process, Minfos best practise is to generate Normal orders. Refer to Generate a Daily Wholesaler Order for more information.

Refer to Edit an Order to learn how to adjust your generated order.