For each supplier, all products/stock cards in Minfos can have ordering parameters set against them. These ordering parameters are taken into consideration when Minfos is generating a 'normal' order and Minfos may prompt you when a product is manually added to an order. 

Ordering parameters overview:

a. Retail Units: The retail units of a product are defined by the Supplier/Manufacturer, refer to Retail Units to learn more.

b. Shelf pack: The Shelf pack quantity is information provided by the supplier via the Minfos Wholesaler updates, this is the how the product is stored in their warehouse, it can be used to enter a Min. Order Qty or Order multiple. Ensure you always following your brand/buying group's buying guide.

c. Min. Order Qty: This is the minimum quantity of this product you want to order from the supplier e.g. your brand/buying group's buying guide. Refer to Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) overview to learn more.

d. Min Shelf Hold (Usage orders will take this into consideration if the product has sold in the order period) : This is the minimum stock holding you want to keep in stock e.g. if a stocked product's SOH goes below this quantity and you generate an order, Minfos will include this product on the order, even if last sale date was outside of the sales period for the order. If you also have a Min. Order Qty or an Order multiple set that is the quantity that will be ordered. 

e. Order multiple: This is multiples you want/need to order in, for example if you have an Order multiple of 3, Minfos will generate quantities based on that field - 3, 6, 9, 12 etc. 

f. Max. Shelf Hold: This is the maximum amount of stock you want to have in your pharmacy for the product, i.e. if you can only fit 3 of a product on your shelf/in your robot then Minfos will not consider this product when generating an order if your SOH is 3 or above.

Note: The Max. Shelf Hold quantity trumps all other order parameters in this window. If you set a Max. Shelf Hold of 3 and a Min. Order Qty of 6 and your current SOH is 2, when you generate an order Minfos will only order you 1, so your total SOH will be 3 and you may miss out on your discounted cost price because you didn't order the minimum quantity.

Setting Order Parameters:

Order parameters can be set individually from the Supplier Product Editing window, which can be accessed from:

  • Product Maintenance

1. Highlight the required product and click Suppliers.

The Supplier Product Maintenance window is displayed.

2. Highlight the requires supplier and click Change.

The Supplier Product Editing window is displayed.

  • Order Maintenance

1. Highlight the required order and click Change.

The Ordering Editing window is displayed.

2. Highlight the required product and click Supplier.

The Supplier Product Editing window is displayed.

  • Supplier Products

1. Click the Products menu and select 3. Supplier Products.

The Supplier Search Window is displayed.

2. Find, highlight the required supplier and click Okay.

The Supplier Product Maintenance window is displayed.

3. Find, highlight the required product and click Change.

The Supplier Product Editing window is displayed.

Order parameters can be set in bulk from the Quick Fix Selection window, which can be accessed from:

  • Stock Manager

1. Click the Product Quick Fix icon.

The Quick Fix window is displayed.

2. Click the Sort By dropdown and select the required option.

3. Enter the required From and To range. 

4. Click OK.

The Product Quick Fix window is displayed.

5. Using standard windows shortcuts [Shift] and [Ctrl], highlight the required products and click Fix.

The Quick Fix Selection window is displayed.

6. Check the required Preferred Supplier attributes checkboxes to enable the text field.

7. Enter the required Min Order Quantity, Order Multiple, Min Shelf Hold and/or Max Shelf Hold in the corresponding field. 

8. Click OK.

The Product Quick Fix window is re-displayed and the supplier attributes have been updated.

9. Click Cancel to close Product Quick Fix.