The Minimum Shelf Hold is an ordering parameter that defines the minimum stock holding you want to keep in stock. For example, if a product’s Minimum Shelf Hold is set to 6 and the SOH quantity is 5, Minfos will include the product in a generated order. For further information refer to Supplier Ordering Parameters. 

You can export the Minimum Shelf Hold quantities set in your Minfos for a specified supplier to be imported at another Minfos pharmacy, or as a backup copy before you make changes. Refer to Import Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities for further information about importing Minimum Shelf Hold quantities.

From the Stock Manager module:

1. Click File.

2. Select L. Export Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities.

The Export Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities window is displayed.

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3. Take note of the Export Path and Filename. This is the name of the file and where the file will be saved after exporting. If required, click the browse icon  to change the file destination.

4. Enter the Supplier Code or Supplier Name for the Minimum Shelf Hold quantities you want to export in the Supplier field, then press [Tab].

5. If required, select the relevant supplier in the Supplier Search Window and click Okay.

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The selected supplier is displayed in the Export Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities window.

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6. In the Export Criteria panel, select whether you want the file to include M.N.P.N’s or Supplier PDE.

7. Click Okay.

The Processing window is displayed.

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After the export is finished the number of records exported is displayed in the Exported window.

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8. Click OK.

9. Navigate to the Export Path you noted in Step 3 to locate the exported file.