The Minimum Shelf Hold is an ordering parameter that defines the minimum stock holding you want to keep in stock. For example, if a product’s Minimum Shelf Hold is set to 6 and the SOH quantity is 5, Minfos will include the product in a generated order. For further information refer to Manage Supplier Ordering Parameters.

You can import the Minimum Shelf Hold quantities set for a specified supplier from a file exported from Minfos by your own pharmacy or another Minfos pharmacy.

Before importing new Minimum Shelf Hold quantities, it is strongly recommended that you export your current Minimum Shelf Hold quantities and save the file in a safe location. This will enable you to revert to your previous Minimum Shelf Hold quantities if required. Refer to Export Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities for further information.

From the Stock Manager module:

1. Click File.

2. Select M. Import Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities.

The Import Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities window is displayed.

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3. Click the browse icon   and navigate to the file to be imported.

4. Select the file and click Open.

The Import Path and Filename are displayed in the Import Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities window.

5. Enter the Supplier Code or Supplier Name for the Minimum Shelf Hold quantities in the Supplier field, then press [Tab].

6. If required, select the relevant supplier in the Supplier Search Window and click Okay.

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The selected Supplier is displayed in the Import Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities window.

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7. In the Import Criteria panel, specify if the import file contains M.N.P.N’s or Supplier PDE’s.

8. Click Test Import.

The Minimum Shelf Hold Quantity Import Report is displayed.

A white and black document with numbers and text

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For each product in the import file the Minimum Shelf Hold Quantity Import Report displays the result of the test import.

The Minimum Shelf Hold Quantity Import Report displays:

  • No Change – Where there will be no change to the Minimum Shelf Hold Quantity for the specified supplier
  • Would Update – Where the Minimum Shelf Hold Quantity for the specified supplier would change
  • No Match – Where the specified PDE/MNPN in the file does not match a product with the specified supplier listed

9. Review the report to identify any issues.

Export or Print the Minimum Shelf Hold Quantity Import Report to make it easier to review.

10. Close the report.

The Import Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities window is re-displayed.

11. Click Import.

The Update prompt is displayed.


12. Click Yes to import the file.

The Processing window is displayed.

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After the import is completed the Minimum Shelf Hold Quantity Import Report is displayed, detailing the changes.

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13. Click Close to exit the report window and return to the Stock Manager module.

Changes to Minimum Shelf Hold Quantities are reported in the Supplier Product Audit report. A screenshot of a computer 
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